Towards Trustable Software

Paul Sherwood

CEO, Codethink Limited

Many of us in the technology industries are challenged to deliver increasingly complex systems at lower cost, under time pressure, while guaranteeing safety and security.

Inevitably this pressure leads to reliance on third-party software, both proprietary and FOSS. But most organisations are so busy with their own engineering that they struggle to track what's happening in their supply chains.

This talk will explore some systemic problems (commercial, practical and philosophical, as well as technical) that responsible organisations and technical leads face when combining multi-party code in environments where the whole target is expected to be safe, secure or both. An evidence-based approach to solutions will be presented, as a framework for 'trustable software engineering'.

About Paul Sherwood

Paul Sherwood is CEO at Codethink, which provides advanced software engineering primarily for FOSS, embedded systems, automotive systems and cloud infrastructure. Paul has an MA in Engineering from Oxford University. He developed his first commercial software in 1981, founded Teleca in 1992, wrote the Software Commandments in 1996, and has consulted at telcos, OEMs and service providers.In recent years Paul has been working primarily in the automotive and financial sectors on methods, processes and open source tooling to increase transparency, traceability, measurability and accountability for large-scale projects. In 2016 he raised a call-to-action for Trustable Software engineering on critical projects demanding safety, security, longevity, and predictable performance.

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