
High Integrity Software 2024 Conference — October 22, 2024


High Integrity Software Conference 2024

The mission of the High Integrity Software Conference (HISC) is to share challenges, best practice and experience between software engineering practitioners. The conference features talks from industrial and academic specialists which disseminate experience and knowledge of important techniques and methods that are applicable across industry sectors.

We are delighted to bring HISC to a brand new, larger venue for 2024, the International Convention Centre (ICC) Wales.

Registration is now open: find out more under the Registration tab.

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We are in an age of digital dependency, where more and more aspects of our everyday lives will rely on the correct function of software-intensive electronic systems.

These systems may be tangible, at-hand, embedded systems, but more frequently are remote and highly distributed, relying on multiple layers of communication and infrastructure for correct operation. We expect these systems to deliver ever-more complex functionality on demand, and need to be able to trust this functionality to be delivered with appropriate levels of safety and security.

The need for trustworthy software – software that does exactly what it is intended to do – is well-established in certain sectors such as defence, aerospace, and transportation, along with a mature approach to its design and assurance. But the increased use of software in more and more domains – embedded, connected, consumer and infrastructure systems – means that similar approaches are needed across a broader range of industries.

In addition there are disruptive technological influences which mean that traditional approaches to verification and assurance in the established industries will no longer remain applicable or sufficient.

The aim of the High Integrity Software conference is to share the experience and know-how that will address these challenges within our industry and help to build the foundations of a trustworthy software ecosystem for the future.

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