Call for Presentations

The mission of the High Integrity Software Conference is to share challenges, best practice and experience between software engineering practitioners. The conference features talks from industrial and academic specialists which disseminate experience and knowledge of important techniques and methods that are applicable across industry sectors.

The Programme Committee's Call for Presentations for HISC 2024 has now closed.

Types of presentation

The following types of presentation are invited:

These technical presentations are not for promoting specific vendor products or services; if you want to advertise a product via an exhibition, sponsorship or a lightning talk, please see the information provided on the Exhibitors page.


The Programme Committee has invited presentations on the following themes for HISC 2024:

Advanced software development for high-integrity and high-assurance systems, including:

Verification and testing of high-integrity systems, including:

Assurance of high-integrity systems, including:

Infrastructure & Ecosystem for high-integrity software, including:

Format of Submissions

Submission requires you to write a short abstract/synopsis of the presentation you wish to propose for the conference. This abstract will be used as a basis for the Programme Committee to assess your proposal, and how well it is aligned with the objective and themes outlined above. If successful, it will also be included in the conference programme.

Submission Process

The Deadline for submission has now closed.

Key dates in the CfP process are as follows (all in 2024):

Programme Committee

Mike Bennett, Rolls-Royce
Paul Butcher, AdaCore (Co-Chair)
Philippa Broadfoot, Cocotec
Martin, NCSC
Stuart Matthews, Capgemini Engineering (Co-Chair)
Paul Parkinson, Wind River
Mike Standish, Dstl

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