SECT-AIR: Reducing engineering costs and timescales for aerospace software

Mike Bennett

Software Technology Specialist, Research and Technology, Rolls-Royce Control Systems

SECT-AIR’s aims are to develop strategies for the UK high integrity software industry to significantly lower development costs and to scope a UK aerospace software centre of excellence to maintain these strategies in the future.  SECT-AIR plans to develop, mature and demonstrate technologies that will make a step change reduction to software development costs; gain adoption of these through certification authority and wider industry engagement and thereby ensure a better flow of technology between academia and industry in these areas in the future. This talk will provide a progress update on how SECT-AIR research activities are progressing, present preliminary results and emerging themes.

About Mike Bennett

Mike Bennett graduated from the University of York with a 1st class degree in Computer Science and PhD in real-time systems. He worked for nine years at BAE Systems in high-integrity software development, working on the Hawk Advanced Jet Trainer and transformation, capability development and R&T projects. Recently he led a two-year UK/Fr R&T programme to develop a next-generation software framework for unmanned systems.He joined Rolls-Royce Control Systems in 2012, leading the development of a product line software platform before establishing a dedicated R&T group in 2015 to tackle the challenge of increasing software complexity and cost. He currently leads a collaborative ATI project with 12 partners to transform software programme costs and timescales in the aerospace sector.

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