Modernising control systems development in the aviation industry

Simon Creak

Chief Project Engineer Systems and Software, and Chief of the ECOSIStem development process transformation project, Rolls-Royce

Rolls Royce Control Systems has been undertaking a major programme to modernise the way control systems are developed. The dramatic changes to the aviation industry and working arrangements has created both new threats which must be faced, but also opportunities which can be exploited to continue to drive and accelerate innovation. Through this, Control Systems has recognised the importance of creating a range of exploitation routes to ensure continued business support whilst making sure the engineers understand the business context and goals, and are supported in innovating and finding better ways to achieve them.

About Simon Creak

Simon Creak has worked in the aerospace industry for the past 18 Years, working on control systems for GE and Honeywell aero engines in the early part of his career before joining Rolls Royce Control Systems where he has held a number of roles including leading the control system development for the Trent XWB-97 engine. Through his experience he has gained a broad appreciation for how the processes, development environment, organisation and programme management approach all interact to determine the success of control system product development. Simon is currently leading the RR ECOSIStem (Enabling the Capability of Software Intensive Systems) programme, which is redefining the ways in which RR develops control systems, embedding both model based development and a product lines approach.

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