Virtual Verification and Validation – The Answer to Assurance of Highly Autonomous Vehicles?

Dr Richard Porter

Director Technology and Innovation, Meridian Mobility

The road to safe delivery of Highly Autonomous Vehicles (HAV) on a global scale is paved with significant technical and societal challenges. Not least among these is how manufactures, policy makers and the public at large can make objective decisions about how these vehicles will perform in complex environments. Current models of communicating safe operation based on 'miles driven' don't effectively scale to the diversity of environments across the world. This challenge only grows when you consider that measures of safety performance for AI may need constant assessment as environments evolve and patches are delivered throughout the vehicle lifecycle. One answer to this problem might be the application of Virtual Validation and Certification (VVC).

This presentation will examine the potential role of VVC in safe delivery of autonomous vehicles to our communities. Covering the direction of current industry and government initiatives. Examining what technology and capabilities might be needed to map between simulations of sensors, control systems, roadside infrastructure, real world scenarios and human factors. Some suggestions on what ‘national infrastructure’ might be needed to aggregate the supporting science, data and technology for VVC.

About Dr Richard Porter

Director Research and Innovation at Meridian Mobility, defining and overseeing a £100m portfolio of investments to make the UK the global centre for development of self-drive tech - building on existing capabilities and delivering new ones, both physical and virtual. Previously Director Research and Innovation at Highways England, UK Research Liaison to US DoD, Security policy advisor and crisis manager at FCO. Always interested in new technologies and how to bring people together to deliver them to market quickly and effectively.

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