Adaptive AUTOSAR - The New AUTOSAR Architecture

Stuart Mitchell


The challenges facing the automotive industry: connectivity, autonomy, mobility as a service and new powertrains, are driving the rapid evolution of vehicle’s E/E architectures. To support such challenges the systems are adding to the existing functional distribution model a centralized vehicle computing layer for decision making, and ultimately, to integrated cloud-based systems. Classic AUTOSAR provides strong support for functionally distributed behaviour, however, the challenges facing automotive require an ECU architecture that is more powerful, more flexible and more open. Adaptive AUTOSAR is designed to address those needs providing a run-time updatable platform with dynamic communication, concurrency and security. In this presentation we introduce the platform, discuss some of its capabilities and look to the challenges that the platform itself has when expanding into support for non-automotive sectors and high-integrity systems.

About Stuart Mitchell

Dr Stuart Mitchell graduated from the University of Bristol in 1990 with a BSc Honours (1st-class) degree in Computer Science. After a brief spell working for a major UK software firm, he received his DPhil from the University of York in 1994 for a thesis on Concurrency in Object-Oriented Languages. Subsequently, Stuart worked at the University of York on a variety of projects including distributed real-time operating systems and reflective object-oriented programming systems. In 2004 Stuart developed the prototype for what became the AUTOSAR Run-time environment (RTE) and has contributed to the AUTOSAR standard, primarily on architecture related topics, since then. Stuart also developed the first version of the ETAS AUTOSAR run-time environment product and was project manager for the ETAS AUTOSAR Operating System. Stuart is currently responsible for developments within the AUTOSAR Adaptive Platform related to Execution Management and also contributing to the ETAS AUTOSAR Adaptive Platform developments.

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