Keynote Address: Open Source Challenges in the Enterprise

Prof. Mark Little

Vice President Red Hat, CTO of JBoss

Open source has gone from being the domain of academic researchers to the forefront of enterprise development and deployment. All of the most significant industrial waves of the past two decades have had open source at their heart, whether it's Linux for the operating system, Android for mobile or JBoss and Tomcat for application servers. In this talk we'll discuss why open source has been adopted within enterprises for mission critical environments and what reliability and dependability challenges it has faced as a result. We'll also look at the impact open source is having on things such as Internet of Things.

About Prof. Mark Little

Dr. Mark Little leads JBoss technical direction, research and development. Prior to this he was SOA technical development manager, and director of standards. He was chief architect and co-founder at Arjuna Technologies, and Distinguished Engineer at Hewlett Packard when Arjuna was spun off. He has worked in the area of reliable distributed systems since the mid-80s. His PhD was on fault-tolerant distributed systems, replication and transactions. He is currently also a professor at Newcastle University and Lyon.

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