No Silver Bullets: Challenges for High Integrity Software in Intelligent Mobility and Digital Twins

Kathy Camille

Cyber Security Advisor for Autonomous Vehicles and Roads, Department For Transport

Paul Caseley

Senior Fellow at Dstl

One of the most significant challenges for high integrity software will be the integration of “intelligence” in mobile systems, eg driverless cars. What are the test and evaluation challenges and how can we establish trustworthiness, accreditation and certification? This presentation will explore some of the emerging and existing guidance, policies, research and technologies that may be strategies for these challenges. No silver bullets promised but may be a few arrows.

About Kathy Camille

Kathy Camille has been with the UK Department for Transport for almost three years working on transport security. She started working on Aviation Security and at the beginning of 2019 she changed her role to help the Department push forward its agenda on cyber security in the field of connected and autonomous cars. Prior to this Kathy worked at the Home Office.

About Paul Caseley

Paul Caseley OBE, works for the UK Ministry of Defence (MOD) Defence Science and Technologies Laboratory (Dstl). He is a Dstl Senior Fellow and is one of MOD’s leading advisors for science and technology research and engineering of software dependent mission, security and safety related systems. His recent research activities are in areas of implementation of autonomous functions, cyber impacts on safety, system risk (cyber, security and safety) and testing. Paul’s recent publically accessible work includes editor and technical lead for MOD of Def Stan 00-056 (Issue 7 Feb 2017) and 00-055 (Issue 4 Apr 2016).Paul also works extensively within the UK and International software and safety communities - academic and industrial. Paul is a Chartered Engineer and is a Fellow of the IET, BCS and SaRs. He is also a Senior Member, Australian Computer Society, Certified Professional in Safety Critical Systems.

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