Cyber Security Body of Knowledge: documenting foundation knowledge of the domain

Dr. Howard Chivers

Honorary Fellow of the University of York

Cyber security concerns are now unavoidable in the development, maintenance and operation of software based systems, and such concerns lead directly to questions of skill and expertise in the workforce and what learning pathways are needed to deliver these skills. To support the development of such pathways it is necessary to have a clear understanding of the scope of the subject – what, in detail, is cyber security? In mature disciplines, including software engineering, the scope of the discipline is formally documented as a Body of Knowledge: foundation knowledge that is generally accepted as underpinning the discipline and is available in books, published papers, reports and standards. These considerations have resulted in an initiative by the National Cyber Security Programme to develop a Cyber Body of Knowledge, the CyBOK project, led by Prof Awais Rashid at University of Bristol. The project began with extensive consultation workshops and other data collection exercises, leading to a public document of scope which is already proving useful in providing ‘heat maps’ to distinguish professional and educational offerings. Subsequent iterative development is progressively delivering Knowledge Area descriptions for public review, comment, and use. This talk will describe methods used by the project, the progress so far, and highlight material which is already available for use and public comment.

About Dr. Howard Chivers

Howard Chivers B.Eng PhD C.Eng FIEE is an Honorary Fellow of the University of York where he recently led the GCHQ-certified master’s degree in Cyber Security. His research interests are in digital forensics, malware analysis, intrusion detection, system security and risk management in which he has published over 60 peer-reviewed papers. His previous career included the development of cryptographic products in Industry, managing the UK national computer security research program at CESG, and acting as the Director of the Centre for Forensic Computing at Cranfield University.

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