Introducing the HICLASS Research Programme - Enabling Development of Complex and Secure Aerospace Systems

Mike Bennett

Software Technology Specialist, Control Systems, Rolls-Royce

HICLASS is a new multi-partner, industry-led ATI project to enable the delivery of the most complex software-intensive, safe and cyber-secure systems in the world. It is a strategic initiative to drive new technologies and best-practice throughout the UK aerospace supply chain, enabling the UK to affordably develop systems for the growing aircraft and avionics market expected over the next decades. It includes key primes, system suppliers, software companies and universities working together to meet the challenge of growing system complexity and size. HICLASS will allow development of new, complex, intelligent and internet-connected electronic products, safe and secure from cyber-attack that can be affordably certified. This talk will introduce this 4-year project, discuss its goals and the portfolio of activities including some of the early work.

About Mike Bennett

Mike Bennett graduated from the University of York with a 1st class degree in Computer Science and PhD in real-time systems. He worked for nine years at BAE Systems in high-integrity software development, working on the Hawk Advanced Jet Trainer and transformation, capability development and R&T projects. Recently he led a two-year UK/Fr R&T programme to develop a next-generation software framework for unmanned systems.He joined Rolls-Royce Control Systems in 2012, leading the development of a product line software platform before establishing a dedicated R&T group in 2015 to tackle the challenge of increasing software complexity and cost. He currently leads a collaborative ATI project with 12 partners to transform software programme costs and timescales in the aerospace sector.

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