Digital transformations and disruptors in the future connected autonomous world

Matt Jones

VP & Chief Systems Architect, Wind River Systems and Product Marketing Lead, GENIVI Alliance

Safety critical systems have been around almost as long as software; but they really are entering a new age. AI-driven autonomous machinery are predicted to be ubiquitous in virtually all settings – in the air, on the roads, in industry and even hospitals. What does it take to digitally transform to create these software centric systems, underpinned by advanced real-time analysis? What are the drivers? Is speed of development to delivery just about efficiency? What effect do disruptors, including COVID-19, have on the needs of transformations?

About Matt Jones

Matt is the VP Engineering & Chief Systems Architect at Wind River. In this role, he is working to advance safety critical real-time, Linux and cloud technologies with the aim to transform market segments ranging from aerospace and defense, automotive, industrial, medical, and telecommunications.A long-standing active member of the GENIVI Alliance, Matt is the current chairman, has previously served as its President, and is currently head of product marketing for the alliance. The alliance is focused on infotainment and the connected car to power the next generation of mobility solutions. GENIVI is an alliance of OEMs, Tier 1s and other players in the automotive ecosystem dedicated to accelerating development through open platforms and standards.

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