Keynote Address: Assured Software – A Journey and Discussion

Robert Martin

Senior Secure Software & Technology Principal Engineer, The MITRE Corporation

Software is playing a pivotal role in most enterprises, whether they realize it or not, and with the advent of Internet of Things (IoT) and our collective love affair with automation, optimization, and “smart” devices that role is only going to increase. The dependence on connected software needs to be met with a strong understanding of the risks that this dependence presents and the will to manage those risks so our enterprises can continue to benefit from these advancements as they power our corporations and the products to new levels of efficiency, versatility, and profitability. This talk will canvas the world of issues that underlie unsafe, insecure, and unreliable software and survey and discuss the various items of knowledge and insights available to conquer them, manage them, and inform our purchasing decisions. By refusing to allow insecure, unreliable, and unsafe software to impact the key capabilities driving our enterprises and the technology we use, businesses of all types can directly address their hidden software induced liabilities, hazards, and threats. Gaining confidence about our partners and suppliers ability to similarly address these concerns will also be addressed as it is becoming a major part of our ongoing journey towards software worthy of trust.

About Robert Martin

Robert A. Martin, Senior Principal Engineer of the MITRE Corporation has dedicated his career to working on solving some of the world’s most difficult problems in systems and software engineering—including cybersecurity, Y2K, and application security. Much of his work has focused on the interplay of risk management, cyber security, and quality assessment and assurance. Over the past 17 years, Bob has applied his expertise to international community cybersecurity initiatives such as CVE, CAPEC, and CWE, which host large active vendor and research communities.

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